Author: andy
Meet Our New Sales Support Specialist
The Hideout Theatre is excited, relieved and honestly kicking ourselves for not having been able to announce sooner that we’re adding a Sales Support Specialist to our management team. Meet Sunaina Suhag! Over the last few years, the Hideout’s corporate training wing, Hideout at Work, has seen rapid growth (as Austin’s appetite for cutting edge,…
How the Internship Program Works
The Hideout offers internships assisting with our improv comedy shows every weekend as an option for those who would not otherwise be able to afford our adult improv classes, or people who are in a tight spot financially. Basically if you sign up for an internship, you’ll do eight volunteer shifts (ten for musical improv…
Author Charlie Hoehn Has the Cure For What Ails You
Charlie Hoehn is one of our current students (he’s starting Level Six tonight with Valerie Ward!). He recently published a book entitled Play It Away: A Workaholic’s Cure for Anxiety and improv classes at the Hideout get a shout out at the end of this excerpt: One night, while I was looking at a friend’s book collection, I…
Improv Classes Will Change Your Life
At the risk of sounding grandiose, I’m here to tell you that taking an improv class will change your life for the better, give you a positive philosophy for navigating the world and quite possibly get you laid. These are undeniable FACTS. Over the last decade as an instructor and education director for the Hideout…
Improv Playhouse is Coming for a Visit
This weekend’s guest troupe and workshop instructors Improv Playhouse are the closest thing to family that the Hideout Theatre has. Regina Saisi is a founding member of BATS Improv in San Francisco and has been teaching, improvising and directing shows with them since 1986, a full decade before Hideout founder and original artistic director Sean…
Q & A With Randy Dixon
Seattle’s Randy Dixon is coming to Austin for a weekend of workshops. He’s the artistic director of Unexpected Productions and has been improvising and teaching since the late seventies. What kind of work is Unexpected Productions doing right now? Anything that you’re especially excited about? We are excited to be moving back into our 220-seat…
Explosion of Classes in 2011
2011 was a record year for our adult education program at the Hideout Theatre, with more classes and students than ever before. After every Level One class we send a student feedback form and, amongst other things, ask them what they would say when recommending classes at the Hideout. These are the compiled quotes. And…
Zen and Improv: Fingers Pointing at the Moon
[Thoughts from Ryan Hill, zen practitioner and current Level Two student] “All instruction is but a finger pointing to the moon; and those whose gaze is fixed upon the pointer will never see beyond. Even let him catch sight of the moon, and still he cannot see its beauty.” — Zen Saying Earlier this year…
Student Testimonials
We’ve been teaching classes at the Hideout since 1999, but in the fall of 2008 we started sending surveys to each graduating Level One class. On the survey (which included several questions engineered to help us optimize the Hideout’s student experience) we invited them to give us a brief quote or testimonial. These are the…
One Student’s Experience
University of Texas RTF student Kayla Lane Freeman put this short video together about Hideout student Ariel Dang-Tran and her experience with classes at the Hideout. “A typical day at improv, we’ll come in and do some warm-up exercises — make random noise and start getting comfortable again with everybody else and the notion of…