The Hideout’s Infamous Improv Marathon begins TOMORROW at 5pm! This year the 8 marathoners will play for 48 hours straight! The marathon is a fundraiser for our Kid’s Scholarship Program. Click here to donate!
We’ve asked the marathoners about some of their fears, expectations and comforts in preparation for the marathon. Katie Dahm is doing the marathon for the second time this year and she’s a regular Hideout Theatre performer!
1. Why were interested in doing the marathon?
The marathon is such a ridiculous challenge and honestly so fun, but terrible, but fun! I did the 45-hour marathon 3 years ago, and when it was over I immediately knew I wanted to do another one someday. I mean it was *hard* but so worth it. It’s an amazing gift to play with so many incredible Austin improvisors. How great is it that all of these badass performers are willing to bring their shows to the Hideout at all hours of the day/night and put them in the hands of 8 sleep-deprived people? It’s totally awesome and insane. And it’s really special to see our big improv community come together to raise money to bring improv to kids. I hope one day one of those kids grows up and plays in the marathon, full-circle style.
2. What part of the marathon most scares you?
Mmmmm, I’m a little scared my body is just going to quit before we make it to the end. Before my first marathon, I did all this prep work in advance – cutting out sugar and caffeine, resting up, etc. – so I was a clean machine. This year… nothing. I’ve done nothing to prep. I knew this was coming, and I did nothing. Why…….
3. What part of the marathon are you most excited about?
Holding hands with my core-8 buddies (they don’t know it yet, but it’s happening) ALSO Start Trekkin’, How I Saved the World Over Summer Vacation, Girls Girls Girls, changing clothes 50 times, getting uncontrollable giggles during the wee morning hours, watching the sunrise from the catwalk…
4. What comfort item are you bringing?
My sleeping bag. I plan on snuggling up in it between sets for a little quiet time (not sleeping, I’m just resting my eyes!). It’s like being wrapped in a cloud cocoon.
4. What is your pump up jam?
“Radio” by Sylvan Esso
The Hideout’s Infamous Improv Marathon runs from 5pm Friday June 23 – 5pm Sunday June 25!