The Hideout’s Infamous Improv Marathon begins TOMORROW at 5pm! This year the 8 marathoners will play for 48 hours straight! The marathon is a fundraiser for our Kid’s Scholarship Program. Click here to donate!
We’ve asked the marathoners about some of their fears, expectations and comforts in preparation for the marathon. First up is Ryan Austin, a Hideout teacher, director and performer!
1. Why were interested in doing the marathon?
I just want to play, man. I love it. I love it so much that I sometimes get sad when watching shows because I’m not up there with them. It’s not a jealousy thing so much as it is a feeling that that’s where I belong in some way. I’m not saying I’m as good as anybody (I’m not), it’s just something I felt from the very first Maestro I ever did. I knew I belonged on that side of the stage.
Although I used to think the people in the marathon were bananas, I now see the joy and challenge and support of everyone in the room. Everyone is at the marathon as a performer, producer, volunteer or audience member because they know they belong there in some capacity and the sense of purpose is so strong I nearly cry just being in the presence of it. I’m big on purpose and striving to be everything you know you can be. I knew I belonged on that side of the marathon and had to be there at some point.
(Believe in yourself!)
2. What part of the marathon most scares you?
I’m scared of two things. 1: Not getting to take a shower. I’d take 4 throughout the marathon if I could. Though I do plan on taking a bucket shower at some point. Maybe I’ll make poor Craig dump a pail of water on my sleepy, naked body out on the catwalk. I haven’t talked to him about this yet. 2: My feet. I have fallen arches and it’s painful to stand up for long periods of time. I’ve consulted nurse Cat [Drago] and the prescription was lots of icing (the action, not the cake topping).
That’s it. Just dumb practical stuff that I probably won’t notice anyway. I’m not smart enough to be scared of things I should be scared of.
3. What part of the marathon are you most excited about?
Pine Falls! It’s a Twin Peaks type show directed by Brad Hawkins and Ceej. It’s my favorite every year because they do such a good job with it.
On the whole, though, just getting to play a lot. Even after playing back to back sets I always want to do one more show when I step off stage and I never feel like I’m done. I can’t wait to do 48 hours and finally give that little improv voice inside of me what it keeps asking for. Boy is it going to be more careful about asking in the future.
4. What comfort item are you bringing?
I’m bringing my Bible but I doubt I’ll have time to read or even process what it says after a certain amount of time. But having it there and reminding me of who I am and what I believe will help bring me back to reality and remind me I’m doing a marathon, this isn’t my whole life, it’s just a weekend. It should also remind me to be loving if I’m being a total jerk so that will be good.
4. What is your pump up jam?
“Born to Run” by Bruce Springsteen
The Hideout’s Infamous Improv Marathon runs from 5pm Friday June 23 – 5pm Sunday June 25!
It IS the cake topping, not the action.