Hideout Kids


Shows for the Whole Family

An epic show of girly proportions!

Are you ready for GIRL POWER? These crime fighters are all fierceness and heart! They stick together to fight evil and support each other!

This show depends on you, the audience for suggestions to help us decide where to go and what to do and most of all, how to make sure that good prevails in the world, all with an empowered, girly-pop attitude! Join us for an amazing show!

Directed by
Katarin Nunez

Anthony Juarbe
Derek Sims
Stage Manager
Ras Ahlague
Brook Abitz, Nicole Bozek, Bryan Dickman, Rachel Frey, Saleha Hussaini, Yoki Moody, Trista Ross, Robert Slack, Samantha Sullivan

Come watch and create the best family show in town!

Best Kid-Friendly Theater
– The Austin Chronicle 2015 Best of Austin Awards



About The Show!

Every Sunday at Hideout Kids, improvisors act silly, kids laugh loudly, and parents watch happily as a new and unique story unfolds biased on the suggestions of the kids in the audience. Some of our favorite audience quotes are:

“That was so much fun!” – Kid.
“Thanks, we’ll be back next week.” – Grown-up
“I laughed so hard my sides hurt!” – Kid
“You all are amazing!” – Grown-up.

Hideout Kids (formerly The Flying Theater Machine) has been tickling the funny bones of Austin Children since 2006. “I created [the show] as a way to bring improvisation to kids in Austin,” says Hideout Owner Jessica Arjet. “Kids gain confidence from jumping on stage, and parents get to see their children in a positive light. Laughter brings people together, so what could be better than offering a way for families to laugh together?”

“We had a great time. The actors frequently stop and ask the audience for ideas and then the story takes off in a completely new direction, but still makes sense. The quick witted humor is excellent, yet remains clearly G rated. Very good for families and children.”KidEvents.com

P.S. We also offer improv classes for kids!

kids award

Hideout Kids (Previously the Flying Theater Machine) was named “Best Austin Theatre Group for Kids” by Nickelodeon!

Snowball Fight – we’ll have two teams that vie for the affection of the audience.

Runtime: Approximately 1 hour.

If for any reason you can not afford the ticket price please email Jessica@hideouttheatre.com for free tickets. Please allow 3 days for processing.