Austin Secrets Auditions, Tuesday Nov. 23rd from 7-10pm

Improvisers take note!

The Hideout will be hosting auditions for the upcoming January/February run of Austin Secrets. Here are the details:

Tuesday, Nov. 23rd, 7-10pm
Hideout Theatre

If you know for sure that you’re coming, please RSVP to Walk-ins are certainly fine, but we want to get a feel for what sort of volume to expect.

Austin Secrets debuted last year, and it was the most popular show in The Hideout’s history. It’s a deliberate mix of funny and dramatic, wrapped up in an exploration of the stories of everyday lives.

Here’s the description from the event page, if you’d like more information:

This show is about you.
Your stories. Your fears. Your triumphs. Your failures.
Your secrets.

There is a movement afoot… a movement that celebrates the power of everyday lives, and which proclaims that the memories we hold within our hearts are the most powerful stories we can tell.

You can see it alive in projects like PostSecret, Mortified, Found Magazine, Storycorps, and This American Life, all of which take our lives and reflect them back to us respectfully, humorously, and sincerely.

That is where Austin Secrets takes its motivation. In every show we’ll use improvisation to explore secrets anonymously submitted by you and other Austinites. Serious secrets will be treated with proper respect, and more lighthearted secrets will be a chance to cut loose, so expect a mix of drama, comedy, and everything in between.

Again, it’s next Tuesday from 7-10pm. I don’t know that we’ll use that entire time slot, but I wanted to leave the window of opportunity open in case some people needed to arrive late.

The audition will be as low-pressure as we can make it. It’ll be run like a rehearsal, with warmups and scenes, and some exercises to help match the tone of the show and get used to playing with each other.

As for how many people will be cast from auditions, we foresee casting around 3 people from the audition, give or take a few in either direction depending on how it goes.

Let us know you’re coming at