Advanced Improv Training
Advanced Improv Training
Level TwoLevel ThreeLevel FourLevel FiveLevel SixLevel SevenLevel EightLevel Nine
Level Two: Performing Games
Mar 4 –
Apr 15
617 Congress Ave, Austin
Mar 5 –
Apr 16
2120 North Mays Street, Round Rock
Mar 24 –
Apr 28
5555 N. Lamar Blvd, B103, Austin
Mar 25 –
Apr 29
617 Congress Ave., Austin
Mar 27 –
May 1
5555 N. Lamar Blvd, B103, Austin
(Prereq: Level One)
Level Three: Performing Scenes
Mar 25 –
Apr 29
5555 N. Lamar Blvd, B103, Austin
(Prereq: Levels Two)
Level Four: Diagnostic and Feedback
There are no Level Four classes scheduled at the moment.
So you’ve decided that this improv thing is for you. The first level of our performance series is an advanced scene study class, building on the foundation you acquired in Levels 1-3 and exploring advanced techniques and strategies for getting out of your own way, keeping the audience in the palm of your hand, making strong choices in games, scenes and longer formats, and recognizing the difference between genuine delight and politely muddling through. Level Four includes a strong scenework diagnostic and direct individual feedback component. Classes run once a week (2.5 hours each), limit 12 students. Level Four culminates in a student showcase for friends and family.(Prereq: Levels Three)
Level Five: Montage of Scenes
Sold Out!
Mar 19 –
Apr 23
617 Congress Ave., Austin
Sold Out!
Mar 31 –
May 5
617 Congress Ave., Austin
(Prereq: Levels Four)
Level Six: Special Formats
Mar 4 –
Apr 15
1300 Morrow St , Austin
Apr 3 –
May 8
5555 N. Lamar Blvd, B103, Austin
(Prereq: Levels Five)
Level Seven: Telling the Story (Narrative One)
There are no Level Seven classes scheduled at the moment.
In the intro class of our narrative improv series, you’ll dive headfirst into what might be the most difficult work we do at the Hideout: long-form narrative. Through games, exercises and training formats, you’ll learn the basic elements of improvising a 30-minute story: who is the story about, what kind of story is it, when to explore and when to move things along, and how to get out of your own way and let your natural storytelling instincts take over. Classes run once a week (2.5 hours) for six weeks, limit 10 students. LEVEL SEVEN culminates in a student showcase.(Prereq: Level Six)
Level Eight: Picking a Genre (Narrative Two)
There are no Level Eight classes scheduled at the moment.
Now that you’ve learned the basics, it’s time to drill down into a specific genre or narrative format. The second level in our Narrative series will pick a specific style of storytelling (Noir, buddy cop, soap opera, after-school special, etc.) and spend six weeks giving you the tools and techniques to knock it out of the park. Throughout the year we offer a variety of different Narrative 201 classes exploring different formats and genres. Whatever the format, we’ll continue to work on sustaining the playfulness and effortlessness that makes it all fun for the players and fun for the audience. Classes run once a week (2.5 hours) for six weeks, limit 10 students. LEVEL EIGHT culminates in a student showcase.(Prereq: Level Seven)
Level Nine: Breaking the Rules (Narrative Three)
There are no Level Nine classes scheduled at the moment.
In the third class in our narrative series, you’ll work on forgetting all the rules and best practices you’ve learned in the first two levels. Or at least letting go of them for a while so you can get back to joyful, playful, mischievious improv that just happens to tell a story over a long period of time. Build the stupid-simple habits necessary to get out of your own way and let the story flow through you. Classes run once a week (2.5 hours) for six weeks, limit 10 students. LEVEL NINE culminates in a student showcase.(Prereq: Level Eight)
•The Hideout offers scholarships to increase the diversity of our student body. Click here for more information.
•Looking for our Level One: Intro to Improv class? Click HERE.
•Have more questions? Read our Classes FAQ