Free Intro


Get a 90-minute taste of The Hideout’s improv classes before you dive in!

Get a 90-minute taste of The Hideout’s improv classes before you dive in!

Check out a 90-minute FREE sample of our improv training to get a feel for how easy and engaging it is. We’ll give you a low-pressure taste of the games, exercises and basic philosophies that you’ll experience in any of our classes.

**The free class is for adult students, 17 and older.
***Please only register if you’re fully committed to attending on the date of the free class.
****Note that our free classes happen at TWO DIFFERENT locations, so make sure you know where you’re headed.

Then once you have a blast in the free class, we hope you register for our Level One (Introduction to Improv) Classes that run for six weeks.

*If you are interested in corporate team building or professional development training, please visit HideoutAtWork for more information.