Austin Holiday Secrets Saturday, 11/27/2010

Austin Secrets debuted this past January and February. And we’re relaunching in 2011, which is just around the corner.

So why are we doing a one-off show this Saturday? I’ll tell you why.

First and foremost, we love it and we will do it as much as the schedule and time allows.

The show, for those of you who don’t know, takes people’s secrets (in the form of postcards like those seen on, and uses them as inspiration for improvised scenes. Sometimes the secrets are hilarious and sometimes the secrets are heartbreaking. So too, then, is the improv that comes out of them.

More than any other show I’ve done, Austin Secrets enables us to explore the full range of human experience.

The second reason that we’re going to do this one off show this weekend is the “Holiday Special” angle. We’re going to focus exclusively on Holiday themed secrets, and that’s super exciting to me.

The holidays are joyful to some and depressing to others. But to almost everyone, they’re a time when lasting, powerful memories are made, traditions are fostered, and we see the people closest to us.

In short, it’s a great time for sharing secrets and listening to whatever else lies closest to our hearts.

This Thanksgiving, I’m thankful for the cast of this show and a life that let’s us perform it.

Come explore the holidays with us this Saturday at 8.

-Roy Janik
Artistic Director

Get your tickets here.