Spring Kids’ Improv Classes Are Registering Now!

Our award winning kids’ improv classes are registering NOW and are selling fast! We have classes on Tuesdays and Saturdays divided into appropriate age groups for 5-17 year olds! Saturday classes begin Jan. 21 and Tuesday classes begin Jan. 24.

Story Play ages 5-8

Tuesdays – 10:00am-11:00am with Lacy Alana


Saturdays – 10:00-11:00am with Margaret Hunsicker

Fundamentals of Improv Ages 8-10

Tuesdays – 11:00-12:30 with Lacy Alana
Saturdays – 10:00-11:00am with Aspen Webster

Improvisational Principles Ages 11-13 
Tuesdays – 11:00-12:30 with Jessica Arjet
Saturdays – 11:00-12:30pm with Margaret Hunsicker

Games for Performance Ages 14-17
Tuesdays – 1:00-2:30 with Lacy Alana or Jessica Arjet

Improv for Performance Ages 14-18
Saturdays – 11:00-12:30pm with Aspen Webster