Muggles beware, The Duo Infractus, a two-man comedy troupe from Austin, Texas, will be performing an original, comical rendition of the worldwide phenomenon, Harry Potter. The show, entitled Harry Potter and The First Six Movies, is the Duo’s answer to all of the innuendo that audiences have imagined about the fantastical wizarding world. The Duo Infractus is a collaborative effort between Austin writers Patrick Daniel and Joel Reese, who also star in the performance with technical direction from Luisa Torres.
Harry Potter and The First Six Movies, follows the life of Mr. Harry James Potter through his introduction to the wizarding world, his many encounters with Lord Voldemort and the seeming infatuation he has for Ron Weasley. All characters are played by Patrick Daniel and Joel Reese who illuminate, in poor English accents and with profound whimsy, all of the teenage angst, sexual frustration and self-discovery that one would expect from the lives of the students and faculty of Hogwart’s School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
6 Movies. 2 Guys. 1 Hour. No Shame.