Dummy Master Class

There are no Dummy Master Class performances scheduled at the moment.

We are super excited to bring Colleen Doyle and Jason Shotts of Dummy down to teach and perform at The Hideout. They’re one of the hottest improv acts in Chicago right now, and they’re both fantastic teachers. 

This four hour master class will be taught by both of them on Saturday, October 4th, from 2 to 6pm. Here are the details:
UPDATED: Since the first one sold out in a day, we’re adding another one on Sunday, October 5th!

Jason Shotts and Colleen Doyle are improv performers/teachers and have been performing their two-person show ‘Dummy’ at the iO Theater for the past 3 years. The focus of this workshop will be on the techniques that they use in every show that they perform together. They will be emphasizing the importance of being completely in the moment, truly building off of your scene partner, and being invested in your shows. You will be getting individual attention and loads of feedback.

“For years T.J. Jagodowski and Dave Pasquesi have reigned as Chicago’s must-see two-person improv team. After catching a recent set from Colleen Doyle and Jason Shotts at iO Theater, I think it’s safe to say there’s room on that improv pedestal for yet another pair of performers.” — Nina Metz, Chicago Tribune

“(Recommended) Doyle and Shotts invest their interactions with the excitement of discovery…it’s not hard to feel the love.” — Hannah Gold, Chicago Reader

About the Instructors

Colleen Doyle grew up, and became terrified of professional sports, in Cleveland. While there she wrote greeting cards and performed with The Second City. Colleen has been improvising for fifteen years, from Cleveland to London to her home base in Chicago. She has made appearances in the indie features Close Quarters and Open Tables as well as the NYTVF Best Comedy Pilot, Shrink. She has been teaching at iO Chicago for the past five years and performs with Virgin Daiquiri and Dummy. For more info, please visit thecolleendoyle.com.

Jason Shotts has been performing at the iO Theater since 2003. He performs in the two-person improv show “Dummy” as well as the Harold team “Smokin’ Hot Dad”. He’s been proudly teaching improv in Chicago for the past 8 years and has received iO’s 2011 and 2013 Del Award for “Excellence in Teaching”. For more info, please visit jasonshotts.com.

Dummy is also performing on Friday. More details here.