Origins: The Making of a Superhero, Improvised opens this Saturday, April 2 at 6pm! Click here to get tickets!
by Origins cast member Jenn Hamm
Most of us have seen the moment that superheroes obtain their powers in the movies. At first it’s awesome, but through time they begin to doubt themselves and fear their own power. Then, that fear makes them shut out those who are closest to them (i.e., Barry, the Flash, shutting out his best friend/romantic interest Iris). In the end they realize that letting those people in provides them with power they couldn’t have alone. In the process of rehearsing for Origins: The Making of A Superhero, Improvised (the latest student mainstage at the Hideout Theatre), I realized my own life mirrored that of this typical superhero plot.
As a young 20 something living in the NYC area, one would assume that I would be living the high life. But I made a really great choice to pursue a career that had me working nights and weekends. Not exactly glamorous. So my goal in moving to Austin was to find what made me happy and meet new people. Due to the ups and downs that come with a cross country move, I became more closed off than when I started. About 9 months after moving I was brought to a Maestro Raw and was sold by the “if this looks like fun,” tagline. Just a year after starting I was on my second round of classes, was rehearsing weekly with a troupe and I knew that improv was something I wanted to stick with. But something wasn’t quite right and I couldn’t put my finger on it.
Through the process of rehearsal and hearing everyone’s stories I picked up on what wasn’t quite right. I had been closed off to the people who wanted nothing more than to let me in, and enjoy me for who I am. We all have our unique superpowers and kryptonite even if it’s not in the traditional comic book sense. In times of struggle, we doubt what we have, just like superheroes when they encounter setbacks. What really matters is the people you surround yourself with who constantly inspire you, challenge you, and support you. When those tough times hit, they’ll be there to help you through, whether it be with kind words, a hug, or a training montage.
Of course, like all superhero stories, mine isn’t quite done yet. I know they’re will be more bad guys and setbacks, big and small. What I know now is that I can trust my own “superpowers” and I can rely on the heroes around me.